Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Dates to Remember..

Jan. 30-Feb. 2 - No School 
Friday, Feb. 13- Valentine's Day Party 
Feb. 17 - Field Trip to the Symphony (More information to come) 
March 11-12 - Conferences (Chaperone forms due for Camp..coming out at the beginning of March) 
March 20 - Camp Money Due  

Friday, January 9, 2015

Snow Day!

I hope you're all enjoying your snow day! :) stay warm. 

Remember that Monday we will have our spelling test and homework is due for Math. 
We have gym on Monday! Remember your shoes! 

Attention students: 
Do you want to buy your deed?? Here's a way to earn $50 a day.. Weekends included! 
*$50 bonus PER DAY for students who do XtraMath while you're home.*